WFUV members help create great radio with their tax-deductible financial support, contributing most of WFUV's funding.

 Become a Sustaining Member: Your monthly contribution by credit card is an option that saves us all time, paper and postage, and helps us plan for long-term support. We'll remind you annually that you're eligible to choose a new thank-you gift, and you can opt out anytime, of course. Join us with your monthly gift. 

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Click through from here and your iTunes purchases benefit WFUV. Music, podcasts, games, you name it.

Shopping, coupons and WFUV support in one place - choose WFUV Public Radio as your charity of choice.

Discount shopping: Donate up to 30% of your purchase price to WFUV Public Media when you shop at 3,000+ popular online retailers. Giving Assistant pays you cash back, and you choose how much of it you’d like to donate to us. Find great deals like discounts on Sonos, as well as savings at places like Old Navy.

Get that car off your hands and support WFUV! Call Toll-Free 888-400-5520 or send your info online to schedule a convenient pickup.

WFUV benefits by receiving a cash donation (70% of the sale) toward our operating expenses. You benefit by getting a tax deduction. Plus you avoid the cost and hassle of selling your own car. It doesn't necessarily have to be running, either. You'll just need a signed, clear title; have it with you when you call. It'll be picked up within about a week. You can donate not just cars, but motorcycles, trucks, boats, motorhomes, airplanes, time-shares, and even houses!

Gifts of any amount are welcome in the form of a bequest, annuity, or gift of stock. Contact Alexis Harrigan for more information.



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