New Jersey releases report from campus sexual assault task force

A recent study found Rutgers University had the tenth-most reported sexual assaults in the country, but New Jersey is working towards a solution. The state's Campus Sexual Assault Task Force has released a report after a year of studying the best ways to fight sexual assault.

The first recommendation is a campus climate survey, which would help authorities better understand student life at school. Patricia Teffenhart, who headed the Task Force, said the surveys are important because a solution that might help a college, for example, Rutgers, might not have the same effect at the local 2-year county college down the road. Teffenhart said another key factor is ensuring students are comfortable with local resources.

"Campuses should be aware, or more aware, of the external resources that are available to them," Teffenhart said. This includes "law enforcement, confidential sexual-violence advocates and forensic first examiners."
Teffenhart also said the institutions are not all to blame; she said it is important parents educate kids on sexual violence even before they get to college.

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