How's Your Love Life?

Valentine candy hearts FUV Luv
by Corny O'Connell | 08/30/2023 | 6:46am

Valentine candy hearts FUV Luv

We're wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day. How is your love life? Answer with a song. Express the state of your love life musically - happy, sad, non-existent - by sending us one song request. We'll spin a set after 9 a.m.
Help us make a Valentine Match. Donate now to WFUV and an anonymous donor and our friends Theo and Will Dotson will match your contribution up to $20,000. Plus, you'll get two hand-made chocolate bars from JoMart Chocolate in Brooklyn: FUV Luv and Mixed Bag. Thanks!

UPDATE Today's set:

Al Green "Let's Stay Together"

Amy Winehouse "Love Is a Losing Game"

The Soup Dragons "I'm Free"

Squeeze "If I Didn't Love You"

Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash "Jackson"

Weekdays at Noon

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Hemodialysis center with state-of-the-art technology focused on patient care, comfort and convenience.

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FUV Live Sessions
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Performances and interviews with emerging and established artists; new episodes drop every Monday.
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