Warm Songs

April 28, 2021|Corny O'Connell

We're expecting unusually warm weather for today. You'll want to dress for temperatures in the 80s by this afternoon. Enjoy...

New York Music Scene

April 27, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Yesterday Alisa Ali premiered our local music feature NY Slice. You'll hear an under-the-radar artist or band from the tri...

Moon Songs

April 26, 2021|Corny O'Connell
Tonight's full moon is the so-called pink moon. Isn't there a song about that? Indeed, there are plenty of lunar-inspired...


April 23, 2021|Corny O'Connell

You may notice that "you" are in every song you hear on WFUV today. Maybe you can think of a song we haven't thought of. You...

Live Performances

April 20, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Recordings of live performances are some of our favorite recordings. What are some of your favorite live tracks? We'll spin...

Who Do You Love?

April 19, 2021|Corny O'Connell

It's The Name Game all day on WFUV. This morning for the Question of the Day, you can request a song that names someone you...

Film & TV Theme Songs

April 16, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Henry Mancini was born 97 years ago today. He composed numerous TV and movie theme songs including the themes to The Pink...


April 15, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Listener Gregg from Upper Montclair challenges you to come up with songs that include similes in the lyrics. Are you gonna...

Messages, Cards & Letters

April 14, 2021|Corny O'Connell

Today is the 161st anniversary of the Pony Express. So send in your favorite songs about messages, cards, letters and the...


April 13, 2021|Corny O'Connell

It's called the WFUV Question of the Day, but we've never before asked for songs with keyword: Question. Can you think of...